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理財有『賞』法大挑戰 HSBC


【 理財有「賞」法大挑戰EP2 #有獎遊戲🎉
睇完片喺下面簡單留言參加遊戲,完成指定步驟仲可以參加大抽獎,Switch OLED隨時屬於你😍!
1. Follow 滙豐香港 Instagram專頁 (@hsbc_hk)
2. 喺呢個帖文下面留言,分享你嘅答案
3. 再Tag一位朋友仔叫佢玩埋一份

#滙豐 #有獎遊戲 #最潮購物達人 #理財有賞法大挑戰 #電子錢包 

【”Rewarding Your Enhanced Finance” Challenge EP2🎉】
Digital wallet is so convenient that many consider it a revolutionary invention. That said, not everyone knows about the details of this payment instrument😯Check out the street interview for an exciting speed test on this popular paying tool🎁!
Remember to join the giveaway and complete the following steps to enter the lucky draw for a chance to win a Nintendo Switch OLED😍!
1. Follow HSBC HK’s Instagram page (@hsbc_hk)
2. Comment and share with us your answer
3. Tag a friend
Question: How long does it take to pay via digital wallet?
(Hint: The answer is in the video!)
Promotion Period: 30 Nov to 17 Dec 2021
Winner Announcement: 28 Dec 2021 (In this post)
Terms and Conditions:
#HSBC #RewardingYourEnhancedFinance #Giveaway #DigitalWallet
SVF license: SVFB002


  1. 此抽獎活動(「抽獎活動」)之舉行日期為2021年11月12日時至2021年12月17日下午11時59分(以香港時間Instagram之伺服器接收時間為準)(「抽獎活動舉行期間」)。
  2. 此抽獎活動之主辦者為香港特別行政區(「香港」)的香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司(「本行」)。
  3. Instagram用戶(「參加者」)須符合以下第5條所載條件並於抽獎活動舉行期間內,在本行Instagram專頁上之「理財有『賞』法大挑戰EP1」、「理財有『賞』法大挑戰EP2」或「理財有『賞』法大挑戰EP3」的貼文留言欄內留言,便可自動參加抽獎活動,有機會贏取Nintendo Switch(OLED款式)一部(「獎品」)。
  4. 此抽獎活動共有三個階段,每個階段有1位得獎者(「得獎者」),每位得獎者可獲得獎品一份。
  5. 凡符合以下條件之人士,均可參與此抽獎活動:
    1. 持有香港身份證之香港居民;及
    2. 以個人身份參加(不接受以公司名義參加);及
    3. 18歲或以上;及
    4. 已經登記為Instagram用戶;及
    5. 讚好並成為滙豐香港Instagram專頁粉絲;及
    6. 完成以上第3條所述行動。
  6. 各參加者:
    1. 同意此抽獎活動並非由Instagram贊助、支持、管理或組織;及
    2. 知道參加此抽獎活動之同時,其資料會給予本行而並非Instagram;及
    3. 明白Instagram於法律許可的情況下對此抽獎活動概不承擔任何責任;及
    4. 了解除了透過Instagram以外,並無其他途徑參加此抽獎活動。
  7. 參加此抽獎活動毋須購買任何產品或服務。
  8. 參加此抽獎活動的次數不限,每位參加者於抽獎活動中最多贏取獎品一份。
  9. 有關抽獎之一切事宜均以本行之決定為最終決定。
  10. 得獎者須承擔因獎品而所需支付之一切額外費用,包括因領獎及使用獎品時所產生之費用。
  11. 得獎結果將分三階段於2021年12月28日或之前透過本行Instagram專頁公布。
  12. 本行將於2021年12月28日或之前聯絡得獎者。本行將透過Instagram向得獎者提供電郵地址,並邀請得獎者以電郵回覆及提供有關確認身份的所需資料,收到該等資料後本行將再以電郵形式向得獎者發出確認信。發出確認信後,得獎者須根據本行發出之電郵內的步驟領取獎品。如在指定時間內本行收不到得獎者之回覆,或者得獎者被發現不符合參加資格,又或者得獎者未能提交充足資料核實其身份,其得獎資格將被取消。本行保留重選得獎者或取消獎品之權利。
  13. 獎品不得轉讓、不可協議、不可退換或轉換成現金。獎品不得轉售或轉送,如違反此細則,獎品可能被視為無效。如果獎品因在本行不可控制之情況下以致未能提供,本行保留以其他價值相等之禮品代替之權利。因延遲、押後或取消任何活動而引致之任何開支、不便或費用,本行恕不負責。
  14. 本行保留將得獎者之名字於Instagram或其他市場推廣或宣傳物品上刊載之權利。得獎者完成以上第3條所述行動,即代表同意其資料會經上述形式使用。
  15. 此抽獎活動將收集得獎者之個人資料包括Instagram賬戶名稱、個人全名、香港郵寄地址及電郵地址,而此等個人資料只會被用於有關此抽獎活動之事宜。此等個人資料有機會於以下情況中被本行使用:(i)舉行抽獎活動及聯絡得獎者;(ii)核實得獎者參加此抽獎活動之資格;(iii)核實得獎者之身份;(iv)用於在Instagram或其他市場推廣或宣傳物品上公布之得獎結果;及(v)用於此抽獎活動之行政及管理。個人資料不會被用作更新本行紀錄。個人資料會於領取獎品後的6個月內銷毀。個人資料有機會轉移至本行委託的第三者服務商作領獎安排。
  16. 當參加者提供個人資料予本行,即表示同意本行可按此條款及細則所提及之目的使用及轉移其個人資料。
  17. 本行將按其私隱政策收集個人資料(。
  18. 當參加者完成以上第3條所述行動,即代表同意參與此抽獎活動及受此條款及細則所約束。不會另行簽訂任何協議。如就此抽獎活動有任何爭議,本行保留最終決定權。
  19. 除有關參加者及本行以外,並無其他人士有權按《合約(第三者權利)條例》強制執行此條款及細則的任何條文,或享有此條款及細則的任何條文下的利益。
  20. 如因電腦或智能電話或軟件或網絡等技術問題導致參加者所遞交的答案遺失、破壞、損毀、無法辨識、不完整、錯誤及延遲,本行恕不負責。
  21. 參加者如在抽獎活動中違反此條款及細則,涉及任何舞弊、濫用及/或欺詐成分,作出虛假陳述或違反適用的法律或法規,本行有權取消該參加者之參加資格,及保留取消及追討獎品之最終決定權。
  22. 得獎者有責任遵照法例而支付(得獎者自己的開支)因獎品而牽涉的一切稅項、稅務、徵費或有關稅項。本行恕不負責。
  23. 此條款及細則受現行監管規定所限制。
  24. 參加者同意此抽獎活動及此條款及細則須受香港法律所管限並按其詮釋。香港法院對任何爭議具有專有審判權。
  25. 本行保留隨時更改此條款及細則和此抽獎活動的權利而毋須事前通知。本行對於任何更改、取消及終止概不承擔任何責任,並擁有取消或終止此抽獎活動的最終權利。若抽獎活動被取消或終止,本行將透過本行Instagram專頁上之留言欄及/或以電郵通知你。
  26. 此條款及細則的中英文本如有歧義,概以英文本為準。
  27. 聯絡本行

Terms and Conditions of ‘Rewarding Your Enhanced Finance Challenge’ Lucky Draw

  1. The promotion period for the lucky draw (the ‘Lucky Draw’) is from 12 November 2021 to 17 December 2021 (23:59) (based on Hong Kong time and as determined by the time of receipt by the Instagram servers) (the ‘Promotion Period’).
  2. The Lucky Draw is organised by The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (the ‘Bank’) in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (‘Hong Kong’).
  3. Instagram users (the ‘Entrant’) who satisfy the criteria in Clause 5 below and comment in the post of ‘Rewarding Your Enhanced Finance Challenge EP1’, ‘Rewarding Your Enhanced Finance Challenge EP2’ or ‘Rewarding Your Enhanced Finance Challenge EP3’ on the Bank’s Instagram page during the Promotion Period will get a chance to win one Nintendo Switch – OLED Model (the ‘Prize’).
  4. The Lucky Draw has 3 phases and there will be 1 winner (the ‘Winner’) in each phase. Each Winner will receive one Prize.
    PhaseQuantity of the Prize
    Rewarding Your Enhanced Finance Challenge EP11
    Rewarding Your Enhanced Finance Challenge EP21
    Rewarding Your Enhanced Finance Challenge EP31
  5. The Lucky Draw is available to all persons who satisfy the following:
    1. Hong Kong resident with a Hong Kong Identity Card; and
    2. natural persons (e.g. companies are not eligible to enter) ; and
    3. aged 18 years or above; and
    4. registered users of Instagram; and
    5. like and follow the Instagram page of HSBC HK; and
    6. have completed the steps specified in Clause 3 above.
    Entrants who cease to fulfil any of these criteria for the entirety of the Promotion Period will be ineligible, even if they met the criteria at the time of entry. Any person who acts in breach of any laws and regulations or who has a conflict of interest would also be ineligible from participating in the Lucky Draw. Persons who have been involved in setting up or running the Lucky Draw are not eligible to enter.
  6. Each Entrant:
    1. agrees that the Lucky Draw is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or organised by Instagram; and
    2. acknowledges that by participating in the Lucky Draw the Entrant is providing his or her information to the Bank rather than to Instagram; and
    3. grants Instagram a complete release from liability associated with the Lucky Draw, to the extent permissible by law; and
    4. understands that there will be no alternative route for entry; therefore, all entries for the Lucky Draw must be made via Instagram.
  7. No purchases are required to be made in order to participate in the Lucky Draw.
  8. There is no limit for the entry to the Lucky Draw and only one Prize can be won per Entrant.
  9. All matters relating to the drawing process shall be at the Bank’s sole discretion. The decision of the Bank is final.
  10. The Winners will be personally responsible for any and all additional costs incurred due to the acceptance and use of the Prize.
  11. The announcement of the Winners will be made on the Bank’s Instagram page by 3 phases on or before 28 December 2021.
  12. The Bank will contact the Winners by 28 December 2021. The Bank will provide the Winners with an email address via Instagram and invite the Winners to send the required information for identity verification by replying to the email. Upon receipt of the information, the Bank will send a confirmation email to each of the Winners. Winners are required to follow the instructions and collect the Prize according to the confirmation email. If no response is received from the Winner within a specified period of time, or if the Winner is found to be ineligible to enter the Lucky Draw, or if the Winner fails to provide the required information for identity verification, the Winner will be disqualified and the Bank reserves the right to replace the Winner or forfeit the Prize.
  13. The Prize is non-transferable, non-negotiable, non-refundable and non-exchangeable for cash. In particular, Prizes must not be sold or given away and may become void if this condition is breached. If the Prize offered is unavailable due to circumstances beyond the control of the Bank, the Bank reserves the right to substitute the Prize with one of equal or equivalent value. The Bank shall not be responsible for any expenses, inconvenience or costs incurred due to the delay, postponement or cancellation of any event.
  14. The Bank reserves the right to feature the Winners’ names on Instagram or in other marketing or promotional materials. By completing the steps in Clause 3 above, Winner agrees to the use of his/her information.
  15. The Winners’ personal data including Instagram account names, full names, mailing address in Hong Kong and email addresses will be collected only for the use of the Lucky Draw. The personal data may be used by the Bank: (i) to conduct the Lucky Draw and contact the Winner; (ii) to verify the Winner’s eligibility for the Lucky Draw; (iii) to verify the identity of the Winner; (iv) to announce the results of the Lucky Draw on Instagram or in other marketing or promotional materials; and (v) to administer and manage the Lucky Draw. The personal data collected will not be used to update the Bank’s record. The Bank will delete the collected data within 6 months after the fulfilment of the Prize. The Winners’ personal information may be passed to third parties service providers engaged by the Bank for the fulfilment of the Prize.
  16. By providing his/her personal data to the Bank, the Entrant agrees to the use of his/her personal data by the Bank for the purposes and to such transfer of his/her personal data as mentioned in these Terms and Conditions.
  17. Personal data will be collected by the Bank in accordance with the Bank’s privacy policy (
  18. By performing the actions required under Clause 3 above, Entrants agree to participate in the Lucky Draw and be bound by these Terms and Conditions. No further written contract will be entered into. In case of any dispute arising from the Lucky Draw, the decision of the Bank shall be final and conclusive.
  19. No person other than the Entrant and the Bank will have any right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance to enforce or enjoy the benefit of any of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions.
  20. The Bank does not accept responsibility for entries that are lost, damaged, defaced, illegible, incomplete, incorrectly completed or delayed by any failure or malfunction of any computer or mobile device or software or by any failure or defect in any telephone network.
  21. The Bank reserves the right to exclude an Entrant who violates these Terms and Conditions, tampers with the Lucky Draw, engages in abusive, deceitful or fraudulent behaviour in relation to the Lucky Draw or makes false representations or statements or violates applicable laws or regulations. If an Entrant is excluded, the Prize may be subsequently revoked and reclaimed.
  22. It is the Winners’ responsibility to comply (at their own expense) with any laws requiring payment of any tax, duty, levy or similar impost relating to the award of the Prize, and the Bank shall have no responsibility in respect thereof.
  23. These Terms and Conditions are subject to prevailing regulatory requirements.
  24. Entrants agree that the Lucky Draw and these Terms and Conditions shall be construed and governed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong, and that the courts of Hong Kong shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any disputes.
  25. The Bank reserves the right to change these Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice and the Bank accepts no liability for any such change, withdrawal and termination. The Lucky Draw may be withdrawn or terminated by the Bank at its discretion in which case the Bank will notify you in the ‘comments’ section of the Bank’s Instagram page and/or via email.
  26. In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between the English version and the Chinese version of these Terms and Conditions, the English version shall apply and prevail.
  27. Contact the Bank:

Issued by The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited

玩遊戲贏林家謙親筆簽名海報或相册 - Standard Chartered Bank


【參加遊戲 贏取林家謙親筆簽名海報及影集】​
想私藏新鮮出爐攞咗唱作人金獎嘅家謙喺渣打Easy Banking廣告嘅文青相,唔使靠Cap圖嘅!​

3. 分享此post到IG story,並截圖以作領獎認證記錄​


想同 @terencelam0903一樣,掌握自己生活節奏,就要開立渣打Easy Banking,只須一個手機app就可以處理各種理財大小事,體驗依時、依地、依我。​
即刻Click link in Bio: 了解更多啦!​


#林家謙 #EasyBanking #依時 #依地 #依我 #StandardCharteredHK #SCMobile


  1. 【玩遊戲贏林家謙親筆簽名海報或相册】抽獎(「本活動」)之活動日期為2022年1月3日下午6時00分至2022年1月16日下午11時59分(香港本地時間)(「活動期」)。
  2. 參加資格:
    i) 年滿18歲; 及
    ii) 根據Standard Chartered Hong Kong Instagram專頁發放的專帖(「活動專帖」)的指示,於2022年1月16日下午11時59分(香港標準時間)或之前在活動專帖完成以下步驟(「有效參賽作品」),方可自動參與本活動之抽獎。該指示包括︰
    a) 先「Follow」Standard Chartered Hong Kong Instagram專頁
    b) 觀賞廣告後,於留言欄分享你最鍾意的一幕及原因
    c) 分享此活動專帖到IG story,並截圖以作領獎認證記錄


  1. 是次活動有關的渣打銀行(香港)有限公司(「本行」)之公司員工、供應商、機構、及其家屬成員均不合資格參加是次活動,以示公允。
  2. 抽獎將於2022年1月24日 舉行,由本行於合資格參加者中抽取150位得獎者,各得獎者可獲林家謙親筆簽名海報1張(供100名得獎者)或林家謙親筆簽名相册1本(供50名得獎者)(「獎品」)。
  3. 於活動期內無論同一Instagram用戶提交多少次有效參賽作品,每位Instagram用戶只能獲得一次抽獎機會。不論任何原因,合資格參加者參與抽獎超過一次,只能獲得一次抽獎機會。
  4. 得獎結果將於2022年1月24日於活動專帖內的留言欄公佈。得奬者必須於被標誌之得獎留言發出後的48小時內,根據留言之指示向本行發送Instagram訊息以領獎(「得獎者回覆」)。本行會隨即透過Instagram向得奬者發放得獎參考編號及兌換詳情。得奬者需於領取獎品期間出示得獎參考編號以兌換獎品。
  5. 若得奬者因任何原因未能於48小時內給本行發送得獎者回覆,或本行沒有接收到得獎者回覆以聯絡領獎,得獎資格將會自動取消而毌須事先通知,本行不承擔任何責任,亦不會再出任何賠償。同時,本行會轉讓該獎品予其餘候選參加者。
  6. 本行收到得獎者回覆後,本行將向得獎者提供認領詳情。得獎者如於2022年1月26日仍未收到認領詳情,請於2022年1月28日前通知本行;否則,得獎資格將會自動取消而毌須事先通知,本行不承擔任何責任,亦不會再出任何賠償。
  7. 所有獎品不能更改 、不可退回及不能兌換現金。本行保留權利以其他禮品/優惠取代禮品,而毋須另行通知。
  8. 如有任何舞弊或欺詐成份,本行會即時取消該客戶參與本活動的資格。如發現有任何懷疑欺詐、盜用或舞弊,本行保留取消參加者參加及得到獎的絕對權利而毌須事先通知。
  9. 參加者提交或張貼之留言如含有色情、暴力、裸露或任何不適當之內容,或含有誹謗、毀謗、淫褻、侮辱、中傷、煽動、威嚇之內容,本行有權取消其參加資格,並有權將留言從Standard Chartered Hong Kong Instagram專頁直接刪除。本行對條款10及條款11所提及之參加者保留法律追訴權。
  10. 本行保留隨時修訂或更改本活動之條款及細則之權利。如有任何爭議,本行保留一切最終決定權。
  11. 中英文版之內容如有歧義,概以英文版本為準。

Promotion Terms and Conditions for【Play Game to win a Terence Lam Autographed Photo Album or Poster】Lucky Draw

  1. 【Play Game to win a Terence Lam Autographed Photo Album or PosterLucky Draw (the “Campaign”) will be held from 3 January 2022 (at 6:00pm) to 16 January 2022 (at 11:59pm) (Hong Kong Time) (the “Campaign Period”).
  2. Entry eligibility:
    To be eligible for the Campaign and the lucky draw chance, participants need to meet the following conditions (“Eligible Participants”):
    i) Must be 18 years old or above; and
    ii) Follow the instructions set out in this Campaign post (the “Campaign Post”) on the Instagram Fan Page of Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (the “Bank”) and leave a comment under the Campaign Post by 16 January 2022 11:59pm (HKT) ( “Qualified Submission”). Such instructions include:
    a) First, “Follow” Standard Chartered Hong Kong Instagram Fan Page.
    b) Then, share your favourite scene and the reason(s) after watching the video ad.
    c) Finally, share this Campaign Post to IG Story and take a screen cap as record for verification upon gift redemption.

By submitting the Qualified Submission, Eligible Participants accept and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. Any late submission or any submission that does not comply with the instructions set out in the Campaign Post and these terms and conditions will not be considered as a “Qualified Submission”.

  1. Parties associated with this Campaign, including employees of the Bank, the suppliers and agencies involved in the Campaign, and their immediate families are not eligible for this Campaign.
  2. The lucky draw under this Campaign will be held by the Bank on 24 January 2022, whereby 150 winners (“Winners”) will be drawn randomly from the pool of Eligible Participants. Each Winner will be entitled to either ONE Terence Lam Autographed Poster (Total 100 winners) or ONE Terence Lam Autographed Photo Album (Total 50 winners) (the “Prize”).
  3. Each Instagram account can only participate in the Campaign once and will be entitled to only one entry to the lucky draw regardless of the number of Qualified Submission it makes during the Campaign Period. Should an Instagram account be entered into the lucky draw more than once for whatever reason, only one entry will be valid.
  4. The lucky draw results will be announced under the comment in the Campaign Post in the Bank’s Instagram Fan Page on 24 January 2022. Winners must send a private Instagram message to the Bank within 48 hours after the lucky draw result announcement tagging the Winners in accordance with the instructions (the “Winner’s Reply”). The Bank will distribute the Winner’s reference number and redemption details via Instagram messenger accordingly. The Winners also need to show the Winner’s reference number when redeeming the prize.
  5. If the Winner fails to send the Winner’s Reply to the Bank for whatever reason within 48 hours, the Winner will be disqualified and his/her Prize will be forfeited without prior notice, and the Bank accepts no liability and will not be liable for any compensation. The Bank will be entitled to award the Prize to an alternate Winner.
  6. After receipt of the Winner’s Reply, the Bank will contact the Winner to provide him/her with the redemption details of the Prize. Winners shall notify the Bank on or before 26 January 2022 if they have not received the redemption details of the Prize by 28 January 2022 ; otherwise, the Prize will be forfeited without prior notice, and the Bank accepts no liability and will not be liable for any compensation.
  7. All Prizes are non-exchangeable, not returnable and cannot be redeemed for cash. The Bank reserves the right to replace the Prize with alternative gift/offer without prior notice.
  8. Fraud and abuse will result in forfeiture of a participant’s eligibility to participate in the Campaign. In case there is any suspicious abuse, misuse or fraud (including false or invalid identity of participants), the Bank reserves the absolute right to forfeit the participants’ eligibility to participate in the Campaign and/or entitlement to the Prize without prior notice.
  9. The Bank reserves the right to forfeit the eligibility of participants who submit, post or leave any comment, the content of which is, in the opinion of the Bank, inappropriate or otherwise relating to sex or violence or the language of which may lead to libel, defamation, obscenity, abuse, incitement or intimidation and the Bank shall have the right to delete any such contents from the Bank’s Instagram Fan Page. The Bank reserves all its rights against those participants having committed actions as mentioned in Clause 10 and this Clause 11.
  10. The Bank reserves the right to vary, modify and terminate the Campaign and to amend any of these terms and conditions at any time without any notice. In case of dispute, the decision of the Bank shall be final and binding.
  11. If there is any inconsistency or conflict between the English and Chinese versions of these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail.


LECOLE Kids Rocks Contest 兒童創作比賽

#LECOLEKidsRocks Contest 兒童創作比賽】

Looking for fun indoor activities to do with your kids this summer in Hong Kong? Play and Learn with L’ÉCOLE Asia Pacific, School of Jewelry Arts!

Inspire your children of 5 to 12 years old to create beautiful artwork or write about their imagination over rubies, sapphires, and photomicrographs to win a 2-hour L’ÉCOLE Creative Workshop and a 1-night family staycation at Rosewood Hotel Hong Kong!

全港小朋友創意大募集!L’ÉCOLE 將舉辦首個專為兒童而設的比賽#LECOLEKidsRocks,讓他們發揮創意小宇宙,認識世上兩種最珍貴的石頭:紅寶石與藍寶石!

今個夏天,您能與孩子安坐家中,透過我們精心製作並送到府上的活動手冊,以及一系列教育短片,攜手走進寶石裡面的奇幻世界。5 至12 歲的孩子們,學習有關寶石知識之餘,可以啟發想像,自由參與製作其獨一無二的珠寶作品;或是信手揮灑他們的字字「珠」 璣 ,抒發其對紅藍寶石與顯微寶石照片的心得體會,即有機會獲得 2 小時免費 L’ÉCOLE 青少年珠寶工作坊課程,及香港瑰麗酒店 1 晚家庭住宿禮遇!
Contest participants are limited to 300 on a first-come-first-served basis, so join today! More details and rules of the game:
報名名額 300 位,將以先到先得形式分配,立即行動!比賽詳情及規則:

#珠寶藝術學院 #梵克雅寶 #珠寶 #珠寶設計 #藝術 #LECOLE #LECOLEAsiaPacific #LECOLEVanCleefArpels #VanCleefArpels #Jewels #Jewelry #JewelryLover #Art #ArtLover #parents #kids #children #parentsandkids #summerfun #summerproject #童作珠寶 #小小珠寶設計師 #親子 #親子活動 #暑假 #暑期活動

No photo description available.

#LECOLEKidsRocks – L’ÉCOLE Asia Pacific’s first children’s contest will tap into your children’s creativity as they discover, learn and wonder about two of the most exquisite ROCKS – rubies and sapphires!

Looking for fun indoor activities to do with your kids this summer? Now you can immerse yourselves in the fascinating inner world of gemstones and rocks with the #LECOLEKidsRocks activity book that we will courier to your doorsteps, as well as fun videos on Facebook and Instagram about our exhibition “Discover the Gemstones, Ruby & Sapphire” currently on display at L’ÉCOLE Asia Pacific, School of Jewelry Arts!

Children between the ages of 5 and 12 years old can write or create beautiful artwork inspired by rubies, sapphires, and photomicrographs for the chance to win prizes including a 2-hour L’ÉCOLE Creative Workshop and a 1-night family staycation at Rosewood Hotel in Hong Kong!

Join the #LECOLEKidsRocks contest today!



  • Fill in the online contest application form ( and like L’ÉCOLE Asia Pacific Facebook and Instagram pages by 19 August 2020. Contest participants are limited to 300 on a first-come-first-served basis, so join today! The first 300 applicants will receive an email confirming participation in the #LECOLEKidsRocks contest and then it is time to delve into the inner world of some of nature’s most magnificent creations!


  • Keep an eye out for a special delivery from us at your home! We will send you a “Discover the Gemstones, Ruby & Sapphire” Exhibition Catalog (for you!) and the “Play & Learn” Activity Book (for your child) by courier.
  • Now it’s time to discover, explore and learn about rocks! Visit L’ÉCOLE Asia Pacific on Facebook and Instagram and use #LECOLEKidsRocks to find the materials we’ve curated for the contest including online videos you can watch with your kids to learn more about rubies, sapphires and photomicrography. And we hope you and your little ones enjoy the special at-home Activity Book we have created!


  • Once you and your child are done exploring the inner world of rocks, it is time to join #LECOLEKidsRocks! Using what you and your child have learned, please select one of the below categories to enter the contest:

a.      Arts & Crafts

>> Inspired by Exercise No. 5 of the “Play & Learn” Activity Book, have your child create their own ruby and sapphire necklace or crown using the stickers provided as well as color pens and other materials you have at home.

b.      Creative Writing

>> Inspired by any of the photomicrograph(s) taken by the artist Billie Hughes in the Exhibition Catalog, have your child write in English, Chinese or French about the imaginary world they think is inside rubies and sapphires.

  • We know this is a family activity and little ones may need a bit of help. We want to see your child’s creativity so please let this shine through!
  • We know it will not be easy but our Exhibition curators and L’ÉCOLE directors will select 10 of the most original, creative and beautiful submissions in each category as winners. The 20 lucky winners will win an exclusive prize.


  • Submit your child’s artwork by 6 September 2020:
  1. Post your child’s artwork on your personal Facebook and/or Instagram accounts (the submission can be a photo, text or video);
  2. Edit audience of this Facebook post to “public” OR turn your Instagram account public until 6 September 2020;
  3. Tag L’ÉCOLE Asia Pacific Facebook or Instagram page; and
  4. Hashtag #LECOLEKidsRocks. That’s it!

#LECOLEKidsRocks Contest - Arts & Crafts


  • To participate in the contest, your child must be between the ages of 5 and 12, residing in Hong Kong. The child must have the express consent of his/her parent or legal guardian before joining the contest.
  • The contest is limited to 300 participants on a first-come-first-served basis. Each application form is limited to one child only. If you are entering more than one child, please submit multiple forms.
  • All entries submitted must be original work created by the applicant aged 5-12 years old. In the event of any infringement of third parties’ intellectual property rights (including copyright), the artwork submission will be disqualified.
  • You may enroll your child to join either one of the two categories, namely "Arts & Crafts" or "Creative Writing", and submit one entry only.
  • You can use any materials for your child’s artwork and submit in any format (i.e., photo, video, text) on Facebook and Instagram.
  • #LECOLEKidsRocks contest submissions must be done on Facebook or Instagram with a public post or account with the correct tagging.
  • L’ÉCOLE reserves the right to publish your child’s artwork on L’ÉCOLE Facebook, Instagram or other digital and non-digital platforms. Please also keep the original artwork for possible exhibition in the future at the L’ÉCOLE premises. By joining this contest, you agree to the terms and condition detailed in the Image Release.
  • 10 winners will be selected based on originality, creativity and aesthetic value of the artwork for each category – “Arts & Crafts” and “Creative Writing”.
    • a. 1st prize winners of each category will receive a 1-night family staycation at the Rosewood Hong Kong.
    • b. 2nd prize winners of each category will receive a copy of “Inside Out”, a book by Billie Hughes, co-curator of the exhibition and award-winning photographer, featuring her photomicrography images of rubies and sapphires
    • c. All 10 winners of each category will receive a “L’ÉCOLE Explorer Kit” including:
      • #LECOLEKidsRocks Contest Winner’s Certificate
      • Gift Certificate for 1 complimentary Creative Workshop at L’ÉCOLE Asia Pacific
      • Matching L’ÉCOLE aprons for 1 adult and 1 kid
      • L’ÉCOLE notepad
      • L’ÉCOLE pencil set
      • L’ÉCOLE tote bag
    • d. Prizes are not transferable, exchangeable or redeemable for cash.
  • The personal data we collect from you through the online application form will be used for the purpose of administrating the campaign and contacting the winners to collect the prize once the contest is completed.  Where consent is given by you, we may also use the collected personal data for direct marketing purposes.  Any submission of personal data to us is purely voluntary and made at your sole discretion. We will endeavor to keep your personal data safe and be responsible when collecting the data. For further information regarding how we protect and process your personal data, please refer to our privacy policy.
  • In the event of any dispute regarding the Rules, conduct, results and all other matters relating to the Contest, L'ECOLE’s decision shall be final and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into.
  • The Chinese version of this website content is for reference only.  In the event of any inconsistency, the English version shall prevail.



  • Application:
    7 - 19 August 2020
  • Artwork Submission:
    20 August - 6 September 2020
  • Results:
    By the end of September 2020; winners will be announced on the L’ÉCOLE Asia Pacific website as well as our Facebook and Instagram pages



Free Admission. Join NOW:

#LECOLEKidsRocks 兒童創作比賽 (2020年8月)

L'ÉCOLE 亞太區分校將舉辦首個兒童創作比賽,讓您的小朋友發揮無限創意想像之餘探索世上其中兩種最珍貴的石:紅寶石與藍寶石!

炎炎夏日,想和您的小孩一起於家中共愉快時光?立即報名參加 #LECOLEKidsRocks 兒童創作比賽!現正舉辦展覽「探索寶石世界:紅寶石與藍寶石」的 L'ÉCOLE 珠寶藝術學院,已為您準備好活動手冊隨時寄到,並精心炮製一系列教育短片,讓您與孩子能安坐家中於 Facebook 或 Instagram 一起觀看學習攜手走進寶石裡的奇幻世界!

512歲的小朋友認識紅藍寶和它們顯微鏡下的樣子後,可以藉此啟發想像,自由參與創意寫作、或者親手製作漂亮的手工藝作品有機會贏取兩小時的 L'ÉCOLE 青少年珠寶工作坊課程,以及一晚在香港瑰麗酒店的 Family Staycation 家庭住宿禮遇




  • 2020819日或之前網上填妥比賽報名表格 (讚好 L'ÉCOLE Asia Pacific Facebook 和 Instagram 專頁。參賽者最多300名,先到先得成功參加者收到一封電郵確認後,一家大小即可投入大自然的微觀世界!



  • 您只需留在家中,我們的郵件將會隨時送到!裡面將包括獻上「探索寶石世界:紅寶石與藍寶石」展覽場刋,以及您小朋友的Play & Learn」活動手冊
  • 現在是時候認識不同種類的石頭了:登上 L'ÉCOLE Asia Pacific 的 Facebook 及 Instagram 專頁,並以 hashtag #LECOLEKidsRocks 搜尋我們為是次活動準備的各種素材短片,與孩子一起認識紅藍寶以及它們在顯微世界下的樣子,一起翻活動手冊,享受溫馨的親子時光。



  • 學習過後,與孩子一起選擇以下其中一個項目,動手參與 #LECOLEKidsRocks 比賽:
  1. 手工藝
    >> 取材「Play & Learn」活動手冊內的練習五,讓小朋友以練習附上的貼紙,甚至其他在家中唾手可得的物料亦無任歡迎,創作孩子自己的紅寶石及藍寶石項鍊/皇冠!
  2. 創意寫作
    >> 以寶石學家 Billie Hughes 在展覽場刋上的任何顯微照片為創作靈感,讓您的孩子以中文、英文或法文寫出腦海中幻想出來的紅藍寶內部世界。
  • ​​​親子活動期間,小朋友自然需要一點幫我們希望您仍然可以讓他們自己的奇思妙想發揮無限光芒!
  • 展覽的兩位聯合策展人和 L'ÉCOLE 的總監們將會擔起重任,在眾多作品中有原創性、同時最具創意而又最漂亮的手工藝及寫作作品各10,最後勝出的20位小朋友將會贏得特別獎品。



  • 202096日或之前以下步驟提交您孩子的作品:
  1. 將您孩子的作品帖子形式(可以是照片、文字或短片)張貼在您個人 Facebook 和/或 Instagram 帳戶上;
  2. 編輯 Facebook 帖子受眾為「公開」把您的 Instagram 帳戶公開至202096
  3. Tag L'ÉCOLE Asia Pacific 的 Facebook 或 Instagram 專頁;以及
  4. Hashtag #LECOLEKidsRocks。大功告成!


  • 比賽者年齡必須介乎512歲之間,並在香港居住。小朋友必需在其父母或監護人的同意下才可參賽。
  • 參加者名額為300名,先到先得。每份報名表格僅限於一小孩。如果您要為多於一小孩報名,請提交份表格。
  • 所有提交的作品必須是5-12歲的比賽參加者的原創作品。如參賽作品侵犯了第三方知識產權(包括版權),品將被取消參賽資格。
  • 每位小朋友者必須選定「手工藝」或「創意寫作」其中一個項目參賽,並只能提交一份參賽作品。
  • 參加者可以使用任何物料創作,並以任何形式(照片、文字或短片)在 Facebook 和/或 Instagram 上遞交作品。
  • #LECOLEKidsRocks 賽作品必須在 Facebook 或 Instagram 上以公開的帖子或帳戶上提交,並必須 tag 上正確的標籤。
  • L'ÉCOLE 保留在 L'ÉCOLE Facebook 或 Instagram 專頁、或在其他網上及非網上平台發布參加者的參賽作品的權利。請您同時保留作品原稿,以備將來有機會在 L'ÉCOLE 亞太區分校中展出。參加是次比賽,即表示您同意影像權授權同意書詳述的條款及細則
  • 「手工藝」和「創意寫作」兩個項目由評判根參賽作品的原創性、創意及美學,各自選出10位得獎者:
    • 每個項目的冠軍將會獲得香港瑰麗酒店一晚 Family Staycation 家庭住宿。
    • 每個項目的亞軍將會獲得展覽聯合策展人及得獎攝影師 Billie Hughes 所著作的《Inside Out》影集,該書展示她的紅寶石和藍寶石優秀顯微照片。
    • 每個項目的全部10位獲獎者會獲得「L'ÉCOLE Explorer Kit」,其中包括:
      #LECOLEKidsRocks 比賽優勝者證書
      - L'ÉCOLE 亞太區分校一堂青少年珠寶工作坊課程
      - L'ÉCOLE 圍裙套裝(成人及小孩尺寸各一)
      - L'ÉCOLE 記事本
      - L'ÉCOLE 鉛筆套裝
      - L'ÉCOLE 手提袋
  • 獎品不可轉讓、轉換或兌換成現金。
  • 我們通過網上報名表收集的個人資料,將用於管理活動並在賽結束後與獲獎者聯繫以作頒奬安排。如果您同意,我們可能將收集到的個人資料作直接行銷之用。向我們提交的任何個人資料純屬自願,完全由您自行決定。我們會致力確保您的個人資料安全,並有責任地收集資料。有關我們如何保護和處理您的個人資料,請參閱我們的私隱政策
  • 如對是次比賽規則、形式、結果以及與比賽有關的所有其他事項有任何爭議,L'ECOLE 保留最終決定權,不需進行任何書信或討論。
  • 本網內容的中文版本僅供參考。如中英文條款有所差異,一概以英文版本為準。 


  • 報名參與:202087日至19
  • 提交作品:2020820日至96
  • 結果公佈:名單會於20209月底前在 L'ÉCOLE 亞太區分校以及 L'ÉCOLE Asia Pacific Facebook 和 Instagram 頁上公佈

